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block stone中文是什么意思

用"block stone"造句"block stone"怎么读"block stone" in a sentence


  • 大块石
  • 块石衬砌


  • Application of the dam with laid dry block stone casing
  • Block stone lining
  • For example of granite , block stone mining analyzed deeply the blasting parameter ; the construction point of pie - split blasting engineering , and evaluated the blasting effect the result shows that pre - split blasting is applied successfully in the project
  • ( 5 ) through using value engineering to optimize the mining technology in the material field , this directly reduced the requirement of engineering geology condition of mining block stone , and raised mining rate of stone in the material field , and then reduced the cost of production of armor stone by 394 . 4 thousand
    ( 5 )应用价值工程对料场的开采工艺进行优化,降低了开采块石料对料场的工程地质条件,提高了料场的块石采取率,进而为护坡块石料的生产降低成本39 . 44万元,取得了较大的经济效益。
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